Monday 7 October 2013

Create Bill

Detail of Form :-

  1.  Select Two form  
  2. Select 8 Text Box for Bill number, Name, Price Quantity, Discount Percent, Total, Discount, and Final Payment.
  3. Select Two Button first for Calculate and Second for Exit.

 Code For Bill :-

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim bill, n, p, q, t, dp, d, pay As Integer
bill = Text1.Text
n = Text2.Text
p = Text3.Text
q = Text4.Text
t = p * q
Text5.Text = t
dp = Text8.Text
d = t * dp / 100
Text6.Text = d
pay = t - d
Text7.Text = pay
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

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